Changing the way you move home
These are unprecedented times which are changing every day, but as we continue to find our way through this pandemic, we are adapting our services as a business. The housing market has reopened and how we run our business has had to change. Whilst the team are manning the phones and answering your emails, here’s a breakdown of our services until all restrictions are lifted.
Lockdown has left many people wanting to move home, whether they’ve completed improvements to their property, or have decided that they need a bigger, or smaller home, we have been inundated with valuation requests.
We are now offering valuations via video link, or in person following social distancing guidelines. This depends on your circumstances and/or preference. This allows us to value your property accurately, while providing an up-to-date market-led appraisal.
The Rental market has remained open during the last couple of months, obviously working very differently to follow social distancing rules. We have helped several key workers and families to find a new property to rent.
To get your rental property on the market you will need a valuation, which can be completed via video, or in person, as detailed above. Empty properties, of course, can be visited by a member of our team for both valuations and viewings.
We have seen an increased interest in buyers and tenants wishing to view properties that are currently on the market. Jessy and Matt have been hard at work arranging videos of our properties for Sale and Let, to allow you to take a virtual tour around the home before booking a viewing.
We are encouraging Buyers and Tenants to find their ideal property through video tours, and thoroughly research before nailing down a final list to view.
Viewings will then go ahead following the Government’s guidelines, allowing two people from the same household to be shown around. During a viewing, a member of our team will attend to answer your questions. We will follow the two-metre social distancing rule where possible, as well as ensuring all doors and windows are open, and a washbasin is made available for hand cleaning.
The process of moving has changed but we have adapted our practices to limit the risk of spreading COVID-19. If you have any questions about Selling, Letting or Viewing a property please contact our team today to discuss your next move.