Easy energy-saving tips for your mid-Sussex home
Have you been worrying about saving energy and money in your home? With the recent storms and price increases, now is the time to look at ways to save energy around your home and lower your monthly bills.
According to Ofgem, the average household spends around £1,254 a year on heating and electricity, making it the biggest annual cost for your family, but there are ways in which you can reduce your energy bills.
Here are our top energy-saving tips!
1 Heating: Are you in control of your heating? You’re probably heating rooms that aren’t being used; turning down radiators or adding a thermostat gives you complete control. Turning down your thermostat by just one degree could save you around £75 per year.
Quick Fact: Heavy curtains can reduce heat loss through windows by 40%.
2 Washing: Most washing detergents allow you to wash at 30 degrees – avoid using a higher setting unless it’s absolutely necessary. You should also try to wash a full load to save you water as well as energy.
Quick Fact: Washing up under a running tap could cost you up to £30 extra per year on your energy bills compared to filling a sink or bowl.
3 Bathing: If you and your family opt for a shower rather than a bath you could save up to £20 a year on your gas bill. Showering also uses less water, which really helps if you’re on a water meter.
Quick Fact: A water-saving showerhead can save a household of four £67 a year on gas and £100 on water bills if they have a water meter.
4 Lights: Remembering to turn off your lights when you leave a room is a simple way to save energy and money. Swapping your light bulbs for newer, energy-efficient bulbs could also cut your usage by 20%.
Quick Fact: Lighting accounts for 10% of the average household’s electricity bill.
5 Smart Meter: Does your home have a smart meter? The government were hoping for every home to have one by 2020, so contact your energy provider today and start monitoring your energy use.
Quick Fact: Most households use more energy in the evenings between 6-9pm
6 Draught Proofing: Check your windows, doors and skirting boards for any draughts, as lost heat in your home can cost you around £20 a year.
Quick Fact: Cavity wall insulation could save £150 on heating bills per year.
7 Protect Your Pipes: To prevent your pipes from freezing in the cold weather you can insulate them with lagging, this will also reduce unnecessary heat loss.
Quick Fact: It has been calculated that we lose 4% of household heat through uninsulated chimneys.
8 Efficient Appliances: When it’s time to buy a new appliance, check its energy efficiency rating. An A+++ will use around £65 less energy than an A+ over its lifespan.
Quick Fact: Each TV or computer left on standby is estimated to cost you 2p per hour.
Hopefully, our energy-saving tips have inspired you to make some changes around your home; not only will they help save the planet, they can reduce your monthly bills too.
If you are looking to sell or buy a home in mid-Sussex, you can reach our team on 01444 254400.