How Netflix can help get your home ready for sale
You’ve done it. You’ve made the decision to move home and now you’re looking at the mammoth task of getting your home ready for your move. We always recommend decluttering as a good place to start preparing your home for sale, and now there is a new Netflix series that you can binge on that will also help your move.
You may not have heard of the internationally renowned organisation expert Marie Kondo, but her Netflix show Tidying with Marie Kondo is going down a storm. It’s certainly giving us some great tips to pass onto clients who are getting ready to sell or let.
Marie became a professional tidier (yes, it’s a thing) at the age of 19, and she’s since written books and become a social media phenomenon with over 1.4 million followers. Here are some of her top tidying tips for your home.
It’s all about categories, not rooms
This might go against how you would usually tidy but trust us, it works! Instead of tackling a room at a time focus on tidying in a particular order. Marie recommends starting with clothes, then books, documents, miscellaneous items, and then mementos. When sorting by category the decluttering process is more efficient and effective, giving you a better perspective of what you actually need.
How much joy does it give you?
When decluttering each category you should ask yourself the following question: “does this item bring me joy?” There are no maybes in this scenario, but if you are someone who struggles to throw things away, check out the one-year box pointer further down.
Stop hanging, start folding
Step away from the coat hangers and learn to fold the Marie Kondo way. You will not believe how much space you can recover just by folding your clothes a different way. It’s amazing.
Give everything a home
Giving everything you own a designated place makes it easier to locate your belongings as well as to tidy up at the end of the day.
Set aside a whole day (or two)
When it comes to your first big tidy from top to bottom you should set aside a day or two, as Marie believes that tidying a bit at a time never works and usually means that your home ends up messier than when you started.
Create a one-year box
Throwing away unwanted items can be hard, so give yourself a one-year box. If the items you placed I this box haven’t been used once the year is up, they must be thrown away.
Be grateful when saying goodbye
Try not to focus on what you don’t have and be grateful for what you do have. Marie says that you should say ‘thank you’ when saying goodbye before discarding anything, making the process more positive.
We want to ensure you achieve the best possible price for your property. By presenting your home in the best possible light you will attract more potential buyers. Are you curious about what the best possible price for your home is? Call 01444 254400 for a free valuation and advice on how to maximise your sale.